Cheese Belongs to You!

Alexis Deacon


Cheese Belongs to You! -  Alexis Deacon - 9781406339666

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Additional Information
Author(s) :- Alexis Deacon Format :- Hardback
Publisher :- Walker Books Ltd Pub. Date :- 2013-03-01
ISBN-13 :- 9781406339666
Availability :- Temporarily Out of Stock
Dimensions :- 253 x 270 x 8
Weight :- 420
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Rat law is simple: if you take a piece of cheese, it belongs to you. So if a bigger rat takes it... then cheese belongs to them. Unless... a quicker rat swipes it! knows rat law; if you are big or quick, strong or scary, hairy or dirty, or, indeed, all of the above. But just who gets to EAT the cheese?