Creepy Crawlies: A Pocket Pop-up


Creepy Crawlies: A Pocket Pop-up - 9781406337808

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Additional Information
Author(s) :- Format :- Hardback
Publisher :- Walker Books Ltd Pub. Date :- 2012-05-01
ISBN-13 :- 9781406337808
Dimensions :- 127 x 108 x 21
Weight :- 104
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Examines twelve of the world's most extraordinary arthropods: the European Praying Mantis, the Asian Giant Hornet, the Arizona Bark Scorpion, the Stag Beetle, the Mexican Red-kneed Tarantula, the Army Ant, the American Cockroach, the Atlas Moth, the Anopheles Mosquito, the North American Millipede, the Giant Weta and the Pill Woodlouse.