Return and Refund Request’s top priority is to make sure you are satisfied with the products and service we offer on our website. We strive to maintain an excellent customer service and satisfaction. We guarantee the products we sell. If you are not satisfied with the purchase you have done at, please contact us by filling the form below.

Shipping costs will be refunded by Makeen Books subject to an error on the side of bookseller. On the other hand if the return was not ascended as result of an error on the side of Bookseller, you will be solely responsible for shipping charges. Similarly if you wanted to exchange the book, shipping cost should be borne by the customer.

If you wish to return the book for any other reason please fill out the form below within 3 days of the purchase.

Once we receive your request our customer service agents will contact you to inquire into the matter and instruct you how to return the book to our bookstore and you will be given a return authorization number. Once you receive the authorization number, you must return the book in its original sellable condition for a refund. If the book/s is/are not in original state or condition we will have the right to refuse or deduct upto 50% from the original selling price and refund the balance.

Please note that the book/s which has/have 25-45 days delivery time are books that have to be special ordered from overseas and also cannot be returned unless there is a printing or binding defect.

All refunds will made by cheque no matter how you made payment.