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Author(s) :- Donatella Bergamino | Format :- Paperback |
Publisher :- Young Learner Publications | |
ISBN-13 :- 9788172454302 | Other ISBNs :- 02501513 |
In response to the question, ''Am I smart?" modem psychology suggests that the actual question should be, "Do I have a high IQ?" Intelligence Quotier. For IQ tests provide a fairly accurate evaluation of a person's intelligence and the tests in this book will give the reader a useful indication of his or her IQ. We are not suggesting that these tests assess every possible form of human intelligence, but they do provide a way to measure intelligence in certain areas, e.g: Verbal, numerical and visuospatial, permitting readers to make a solid assessment of their IQ. In the answer sections, explanations are provided that will help you with questions you were unable to answer or got wrong. By taking note of your thought processes as you take the tests and by studying the results, you will gain a better understanding of how your mind works and how to make it work better.